Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) is relatively new to the Western World, but it has been used in China to treat animals for thousands of years. TCVM is an adaptation of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which is used to treat humans.
Chinese Medicine is a complete body of thought and practice that's grounded in the Chinese Daoist philosophy that the body is a microcosm of the larger surrounding universe. As such, the cosmic laws and forces that govern the external world also govern the body's internal environment.
Chinese Medicine can be traced back over two millennia in recorded history. Like any medical system, it continues to evolve even today, and current research on acupuncture and herbal medicine is beginning to shed light on its mechanism of action.
TCVM is often viewed as a form of complementary therapy. It's best used in conjunction with Western Veterinary Medicine (WVM). Both TCVM and WVM have their own strengths and weaknesses.
TCVM is a holistic approach that's suited to assessing the well-being of the whole patient. Treatments are generally noninvasive and have few side effects. However, TCVM lacks the tools necessary to pinpoint illnesses to specific disease-causing agents like pathogenic bacteria or viruses. This type of treatment is best suited for chronic conditions.
WVM utilizes the tools of modern science to diagnose diseases with great precision. Western drugs and procedures are powerful and fast-acting. However, it's insistence on detailed diagnosis may come at the expense of seeing a larger picture.
TCVM and WVM each have what the other lacks. We believe that oftentimes the best medical system involves an integration of the two systems, so the strengths of one can compensate for the weaknesses of the other.
Acupuncture is a branch of TCM that involves stimulating specific anatomic points on the body with fine needles. It is used to restore the body's balance and relieve pain. Research has shown that these anatomic points are located where there is a concentration of nerves and blood vessels, and stimulation of these points causes a neurochemical response.
Herbal medicine utilizes herbal ingredients listed in the Chinese Herbal Materia Medica in particular combinations or formulas to treat particular disease patterns. Herbal formulas are administered orally and are typically given in powder or capsule form to cats and dogs.
Acupuncture and herbal therapy can be useful in a variety of disease conditions, including:
- Arthritic and trauma pain
- Intervertebral disc disease, nerve damage, and paralysis
- Anxiety and mental disorders
- Renal failure
- Heart disease
- Support in cancer treatment
- Allergies
- Chronic gastrointestinal disorders
Our knowledgeable team will develop a customized treatment plan for your pet after an initial one-hour consultation. During your visit, a thorough history and physical exam will be completed, and we'll discuss our expectations.
Most treatment plans involve three to six acupuncture sessions performed every one to two weeks. Sometimes, follow-up sessions may be needed after the initial series of treatments. Call Wickford Veterinary Clinic for additional information or to schedule your consultation.